To achieve our customers’ high expectations, our factory has obtained ISO9001:2000 certification and our staffs are all trained to meet the ISO system requirement.
In order to improve the management and to be completely computerizing all kind of data, an ERP system was implemented into our company in 2008.
To let our staffs feel homed, Lap Chi provides lots of facilities to our staffs to enjoy their spare time, such as basketball, snooker, table tennis, karaoke, etc. Especially in basketball, we have some competitions from time to time with other business partners, local government and local village teams. We also participated the basketball competition of Hong Kong Mould and Die Council and obtained the award in two years continuously.
Other than the spare time activates, Lap Chi organizes travel tours for staffs at least twice a year to let them relax from work and wider their vision. The places we have been to include Beijin, Hai Nan Dao, Jiu Zhai Gou, etc.